Right - kettle's boiled - I'm a bit late cos I had to get the kid from the bus-stop. He went to see Kick-Ass at Southbank and thought it was great.
First book to read is The Talented Mr Ripley by Patricia Highsmith. Wish me luck !
Three facts about me - um -
I laugh loudly
I like pearls
I adore the perfume Gin Fizz by Lubin
There are 15 books in my TBR pile. My eyes are bigger than my stomach, brain etc.....
Only goals I have for the read-athon I suppose is to read The Talented Mr Ripley and get to work on time on Monday!!
Ooo...Mr. Ripley has been on my tbr list for far too long. Be interested to see what you think of it. Happy reading:)
Kettle on eh? Well we must do things in the right order :)
Have a great read-a-thon! Keep on reading! :D
WoooHooooo!!! Your cheerleader is here! Have fun reading today!!!
Good luck today! You're starting off great! Awesome choice in reading material!
Enjoy your book now.
Don't forget to rest your eyes.
Look to next novel.
Haiku #1 inspired by Dawn @ She Is Too Fond of Books
No sleeping! Keep on reading! Finish that book!
*shakes pom poms harder this time*
LOL...I know I'm no good at making that up but I try!
Haven't read that book but I did see the movie. I am sure the book is better. It always is. Good luck in your reading.
Have a great Read-A-Thon!!! Good luck and keep reading...LOL.
I have never read it, looking forward to a review. I love pearls too, have a ball!
I love that cover! Have fun with the readathon!
I've never read the Talented Mr. Ripley. I'm excited to hear what you think of it and how it compares with the movie.
I've always wanted to read/see this movie!
This is the second post in a row that I've read that talks about pearls. Weird! Have fun reading!
Hey, I'm here from the Read-a-thon! I haven't read this book, but I really liked the movie! I can't wait to see your final review on it! Good luck!
Its good to have a big TBR pile for read-a-thon. In case one book doesn't grab you it makes it easy to move on to something else. Good luck today!
Eyes bigger than the stomach was my biggest issue last time around; I wasn't disappointed though, once I realized that I was having as much fun participating on twitter and in the blogs as I was reading :)
I think my eyes are far bigger than my brain too. I've got tons of books stacked up, ready and waiting, but I know I'll be lucky if I get through two!
I've always wanted to read that one (one of many yet-to-be-reads on my shelves). Loved the photos of your surrounds and animals. :)
wow! 15 books! I have 12 all up... I guess I am overly optimistic too lol good luck with the challenge and happy reading!
I have been intending to read something..anything..by Patricia Highsmith..I shall start with this one!
Have fun with the Read-a-thon! Nice meeting you!
Good luck getting through your TBR pile. It looks like you have some interesting books I might want to look into. It's also good that you were prepared for today with snacks. Lol i forgot to stock up. Good luck getting to work monday and have fun reading
But it's better to have too many books on the TBR pile than too few!
I hope you enjoy your reading day!
Good luck to you!
I really enjoyed Kick Ass (Nicholas Cage actually did a good job at something, hehe), now I need to get my hands on the graphic novel.
I want to read this book so I'm anxious to see what you think. Enjoy the read-a-thon and good luck getting to work on Monday :)
I have not heard of Gin Fizz -will have to look for that. I can always use a new perfume!
Happy reading!
Read-a-thon here! I don't know if I could read Mr. Ripely, I get spooked easily. Like, really easily, lol.
Have fun!
Mr Ripley is an excellent choice, it should keep you reading and on your mental toes! Did you know there is an audio version of Return of the Native read by Alan Rickman? Love him! Great job so far, and good luck on the rest of the day!!!
Happy reading!
Can't wait to see how The Talented Mr. Ripley is, it's one of the books I meant to read... Of course, my selections are a bit on the lighter side this readathon, but my pile is just as big! Happy readings!
Very nice book you're reading! I've read Mr. Reply those odd years ago, and I distinctly remember enjoying it. I hope you like it. Happy reading!
I am a loud laugher too.
Happy read-a-thon!!!
Mr. Ripley. Hmm, too bad I never found that book in my country. Good luck to you :)
another excellent reading choice - Patricia Highsmith was one of the best thriller authors - have a great time reading and keep the kettle going!
I know what you mean about picking out more books then you'll ever read. I am totally in the same place. Good luck and have fun!
Traditional read-a-thon blessing:
May the bookshelf be there to greet you.
May all the books appeal.
May the fridge be full of tasty snacks;
the words fall soft upon your eyes and until the read-a-thon ends,
may you always hold a book in the palm of your hand.
Good luck today!
Wow, you have an extensive reading pile for the challenge.
Good luck, I will be following your process! :)
That's been on my TBR list since I saw the movie as a teenager. One day!
Sounds like you have a great plan! My eyes are bigger than my brain too, but it's good to be ambitious...happy reading!
Tea, that's whay I should do next.
Interested to see what you think of the Talented Mr. Ripley.
Good luck reading the Talented Mr. Riply - I loved that book!
I have a crazy amount of books set aside for this as well. Eyes way too big, but having too much fun to care! I hope you are having fun too!
Hope you have a great day reading!
Ooo I've never read that! Sounds interesting. Keep on going! :)
Nice book choices! And good luck with the readathon =)
Love your pile of books! Happy Reading!
I did see that movie, but have not read the book!
Good luck during the read-a-thon!
Good luck with Mr Ripley! Have a great readathon!!
Have a super fab day of reading! I havent read this one.... hope you are enjoying it :)
Pearls are super cute! Best of luck with the readathon hope you accomplish all of your goals and more today!
Good luck today :) *hugs*
Have a great rest of the read a thon!
great choices ive always wanted to read ripley, take care kai
Have a great time reading today! Come and visit me when you get the chance!
Love the Talented Mr. Ripley! Hope you do too!
My eyes are always bigger than my stomach too. Good luck today!
Love the pics of your reading companions!
Good luck with your reading! I was a bit late starting as well, although it was my own fault for sleeping a bit late. Oh well!
Congratulations on your first book read! :) Here's to more books that you'll get to read over the next few hours!
I laugh loud too. Good luck with your pile of books. Have a great day!
Just Books
I've never read Mr. Ripley, although I've seen the movie which was really good. Have a terrific read-a-thon!
Ripley is on my TBR list. A friend was telling me about it last night and how it is fascinating look at a sociopath.
I picked 10 books and I am still on my first. Oh well, this is fun anyway. Have fun!
Your books all look great...enjoy them!
Thanks for visiting and cheering me on!!!
Good luck with the read-a-thon...will check back to see how you are progressing!!!
I hope you enjoy the rest of your books!
Good luck to you!
I've never heard of Gin Fizz by Lubin
but will check it out. The name is enough to make you want to see what it smells like.
My Book
by David L. Harrison
I did it!
I did it!
Come and look at what I've done!
I read a book!
When someone wrote it
Long ago
For me to read,
How did he know
That this was the book
I'd take from the shelf
And lie on the floor
And read by myself?
I really read it!
Just like that!
Word by word,
From first to last!
I have never been interested in reading Mr. Ripley because I didn't like the movie so much... But, maybe one day! Enjoy!
Hope things are still going well!
Keep it up. You're doing great :) Keep reading!
Books, books
They're everywhere
How you read them
We don't care!
Came to do some cheering -- Don't think anything could compete with Beth F's chant of Books, books
They're everywhere
How you read them
We don't care!
So all I can over you is a virtual coffee and donut and some eye candy -- keep on going, you can do it
Hope your still in it! Here's a cheer to keep you going:
You can do it-
You're so hip.
Give that page
Another flip!
Halfway through
You're going strong.
With awesome books
You can't go wrong!
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