Sunday, June 10, 2012

Long Weekend

One is currently luxuriating in a bevy of long weekends.

The first long weekend was spent celebrating one's birthday and the significant birthday of one's BFF by traveling down to Melbourne.

We went to inspect the Grace Kelly exhibition at Bendigo and enjoyed a lovely lunch afterwards at Basement on View just near the gallery where these photos were taken.  We didn't book and were VERY lucky to get a table at all.  I suggest you book to avoid disappointment.


You'll be lucky if you get tickets to the Grace Kelly exhibition at's put on by the V&A and is very interesting.  The frocks look lifeless and dull without Grace in them - (dim lighting for conservation purposes probably doesn't help) and the photos supporting the exhibits are vital to see how they really used to look.. The archival footage/home movies in the theatrette was the best bit of the exhibition as far as I was concerned.  Bear with the crowds and grab a seat when you can and do stay for all three mini-sessions which vary in subject matter.  They gave you a real sense of what an extraordinary individual Grace Kelly was...

One's BFF then took one to Lavandula where one had much fun buying hats and mittens and lavendar for all and sundry....

One admired the copious amounts of lavendar whilst one's teeth were chattering from the cold.

One heard an unmistakable sound ...a kind of "eeyore...eeeyore" only even more miserable because it was so very wet and cold...and so, one was very excited to make a few new friends....

Some friends were more excited than others...

The rest of the weekend was spent pampering ourselves with a beauty treatment and lunch at The Langham Hotel.

And then we shopped til we dropped on Sunday.

It wasn't Paris but I suspect we had just as much fun as if we had been there....


Ann ODyne said...

what a wonderful time you had. obviously your BFF is the best kind.
I ignored the Grace Kelly exhibit, after having such a hard time coping with the gallery's system for the Wedding Dresses show; and am glad to see you write that without Grace in them, the clothes were just 'meh'.
The time I saw Lavandula it was stinking hot and the carpark was full, but I would go in winter to pat a sweet donkey.
Whenever I see a blogger who is a librarian I always recommend the Love The Liberry blog. I hope you laugh.

Alex Daw said...

Laugh? I've just had to re-apply my eye makep and get a tissue to blow my nose. It's priceless Thankyou. I can go back to the counter with a cheerful grin.